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Tag Archives: C#
Polymorphic enums in C# ?
Using Java as a inspiration source for C# (hmm wait, hasn’t that already been done from the start ?) A few weeks ago, I read this post by @cyriux, describing how you could use polymorphic enums in Java. Actually, I … Continue reading
Using BDD and SpecFlow to write readable tests
In this post, I’m going to use SpecFlow and the Gherkin syntax to write tests in a natural language. I want to show how easy that is to setup, when you have code that is already testable, and how it … Continue reading
Linq provider : an attempt… part 6
Jammin’ Jammin’ Just a month ago, I’ve had the opportunity to get feedback from @cyriux and Jérôme during the monthly @ArollaFr’s Code Jam, and we made important changes in the code. The concept of a Code Jam is simple : … Continue reading
Linq provider : an attempt… part 5
Improving the toolbox : building our own expression tree visualizations In the last two posts, I included sample visualizations of expression trees. I’ve built these using a visitor pattern, that produces HTML markup. This is a good example of the … Continue reading
Linq provider : an attempt… part 4
Using the Visitor pattern to manipulate expression trees In the previous posts of this series, I started to describe a partial implementation of a Linq provider. The aim of this provider is to get data from a service, and in … Continue reading