Functional Inspiration – Irrelevantable, part 2

Trying to express something more than Nullable<T>

Friday evening, the girls are in bed, the wife is out with friends… It seems that it is the perfect time to finish this post !

This is the third entry of a blog series about how functional programming, and the F# training I recently went to, gives me inspiration in my day-to-day work in C#. This post will show how you can build in F# the Irrelevantable type previously built in C#.

Let’s go straight to the code, here is the structure :

type Irrelevantable<'a> =
    | Relevant of 'a
    | Absent
    | Irrelevant

Using a very simple discriminated union type, we can easily express the three distinct cases needed.

Let’s now see how this type can be used. I first define a Product Type and a sample products list :

type Product =
  { Name: string;
    ProductType: string;
    Strike: Irrelevantable<decimal>;
    Premium: Irrelevantable<decimal>;
    TradedPrice: Irrelevantable<decimal>
    SwapPrice: Irrelevantable<decimal>; }

let products =
  [ { Name = "568745";
      ProductType = "Option";
      Strike = Relevant(176m);
      Premium = Relevant(3.72m);
      TradedPrice = Irrelevant;
      SwapPrice = Irrelevant } ;
    { Name = "568746";
      ProductType = "Option";
      Strike = Relevant(176m);
      Premium = Absent;
      TradedPrice = Irrelevant;
      SwapPrice = Irrelevant } ;
    { Name = "568747";
      ProductType = "Swap  ";
      Strike = Irrelevant;
      Premium = Irrelevant;
      TradedPrice = Relevant(15.3m);
      SwapPrice = Relevant(15.6m) } ]

The goal is now to print a report based on the products. I then define a few utility / formatting functions :

let formatValue formatter value =
    match value with
    | Relevant(data) -> (formatter data)
    | Absent -> ""
    | Irrelevant -> "-"

let padLeft (value:string) =

let formatPrice =
    formatValue (fun (d:decimal) -> d.ToString("N2"))
let getLine vals =
    System.String.Join(" | ", vals |> padLeft)

let getValues p = 
    p.Name ::
    p.ProductType ::
    (formatPrice p.Strike) ::
    (formatPrice p.Premium) ::
    (formatPrice p.TradedPrice) ::
    (formatPrice p.SwapPrice) :: []

let getProductLine =
    getValues >> getLine

And I use these functions to generate the lines to print, beginning with a header line :

let headerLine =
  ( "Ref." ::
    "Type" ::
    "Strike" ::
    "Premium" ::
    "Price" ::
    "Swap price" :: [])
  |> getLine

let productLines =
  products |> getProductLine

let allLines =
    headerLine :: productLines

Finally, I can print the report :

let test = allLines |> List.iter (printfn "%s")

And the output is the following :

   Ref. |    Type |  Strike | Premium |   Price | Swap price
 568745 |  Option |  176,00 |    3,72 |       - |       -
 568746 |  Option |  176,00 |         |       - |       -
 568747 |  Swap   |       - |       - |   15,30 |   15,60

You can then notice the distinction between the the absent value (the Premium column for the second product) and the values that have no meaning.

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